2024-2025 Assistant Information
We are looking for new assistants for the 2024-2025 Dance Season!!!
Thursday May 30th 7-7:30pm (No Parents)
Being an assistant at 5678 Dance Studio is not just a hobby for something to do, it is a job. It is more than just being good with little kids and loving to dance. We will have a meeting for all those interested on Thursday May 30th 7-7:30pm. This meeting is only for dancers interested in applying as an assistant instructor. Parents are not allowed. Please sign up in your Parent Portal under events.
You must meet the requirements below, fill out the assistant application and have two teachers fill out the assistant evaluation form.
Please make sure to read the requirements below.
Must be 14 years old by December 1, 2024
Must currently be taking a Ballet and Jazz class
Tap is STRONGLY recommended
Other styles like hip hop, and contemporary are recommended
Must be fluent in Ballet & Jazz vocabulary
Must be able to catch onto choreography and progressions relatively quickly
Must have 90% attendance in your technique classes
Must be available 2-3 days for 2-3 hours each day not counting your technique classes
Must display maturity in your speech, dress, and attitude
Things that open up to Assistants -
Perform in Opening Number and Finale
Get to know and encourage young dancers
Make money towards your dance tuition
Gain work experience
Enhance your dance knowledge
Becoming a part of 5678 Dance Studio’s Faculty is not a decision to make lightly and I want you to make sure that you can dedicate yourself and your time before applying for a position in our Assistant Program.
Preferably, you will have another day available to come in to assist outside of the days that your own classes are on. Putting you in classes before and after your own is more difficult than being able to give you a few classes on a day you don’t have to be in your own classes!
You are always allowed to ask for time off, but if you are going to sign up for outside events and those days are always on the same day that you assist, maybe reconsider, and prioritize what you think is the most important.
Becoming an assistant is a lot of responsibility! The kids look up to you not only to remember their choreography, but also encouragement and a smile. Your role as an assistant instructor is more than showing up and remembering the lesson plan. You will also be a positive role model for your students.